
I am a stakeholder.
I was born into
the Family of Consciousness
on this planet...Earth.
I am not
a mechanism for profit.
I was not born
to labor endlessly
to keep the rich in mansions,
silk and pearls.
I was not born
to dig in boundless darkness
to increase the net-worth of the ruthless
with silver and gold,
diamonds and lithium.
I am not just
one more resource
you can plunder.
A mineral you can extract,
then sell back.
As though the powerful have
the divine right of ownership
to all things inert
or imbued with life.
I am not
a beast of burden…
carrying the back-breaking,
weight of ill-gained luxury.
A luxury corporations pay rent on
through this thing called “charity”
giving back in thimbles
what they took out in buckets.
I am not a tool,
a number
or a quarterly profit report.
I am a Stakeholder.
I was born into
the Family of Consciousness
on this planet...Earth.
And I am calling in my shares.
©2018 ShareeAnneGorman