Ships On The Horizon (Columbus 2.0)

Ships On The Horizon
(Columbus 2.0)
We lift tired eyes
offering time-ravaged souls
to what we thought
was Heaven
We were taught
we were told
we were sold
a lie
forged in the casually-spilt
blood of innocents
The poor die hungry
while the rich grow old
wrapped in their blankets of
class-war denials
To lie and gain
to hide in plain
to give while in truth
they are taking
Now we know
our children know
avarice obeys but one law
to own/to control
the few must confuse
and hobble
the many
Teach them right
while doing wrong
that is the strategy
and privilege
of plenty
So, if the pious land on your soil
your rich and fertile soil
with assurances of selfless charity
or investor parity